Friday, April 29, 2011



I have often heard people commenting about somebody in a negative sense that He or She is not TACTFUL.

By Tactful, do they mean Thoughtful or Intelligent?

No! they mean Diplomatic, Devious and Calculating.

So the question arises what one should then try to become.Tactful or Straight? Although the ideal answer should be StraighT but our modern society, unfortunately though, has attached a synonym to this word Inane.
And this triggers the downfall of moral values.

The word Tact brings Tactics, which means Strategy, which require Scheme, and scheming brain can never be free from adulteration and impurity. That means we are grooming our brains for Con behaviour by suppressing the natural instinct or Spontaneity which is always pure and beyond any scheme or plan.

Although Chanakya said, Dont be too straight because straight trees are cut first., he forgot that these are the parts of Straight trees only which provide maximum Strength to anything be it ceiling or railway track. Moreover, a child is born Straight, it is Social Malnutrition that bends him over time otherwise, the almighty wants him to remain as he was sent.

People might take pride in calling themselves Tactful, but if one day somebody calls me an Untactful person, which unfortunately I am not, it will be one of the biggest compliments of my life. Because it would reaffirm that I am still left with some bit of heart, I was born with.

To conclude, I would like to quote a wonderful couplet, which I wish everybody embraces:-
Mere Dil Ke Kisi Kone Mein Ik Masoom Sa Bacchha,
Badon Ki Dekhkar Duniya Bada Hone Se Darta Hai."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

lets go! Whr? Out of the BOX

Out-of-the-Box Thinking. But where is the box???
We are always asked and have been stressed the easiest way for people to be creative was to think out-of-the-box, to break their paradigms or mindsets, their ways of thinking.
The detractors have pointed out often the damage such thinking can produce and stressed the counteractive effects upon the total organization and its more global goals and mission.
Occasionally creative type departments will entertain the idea of learning how to leave boxes but generally they already know how. Their problems center on the debris, anger, frustration they leave in their wake when they do tear done or damage boxes.
Instantaneous flash of the obvious occurred. An Aha!
Immediately jumping out of a box or tearing it down eliminates many possibilities of ideas and solutions that can come from staying in-the-box. If we stay in our box we can examine what has worked?, what hasnt worked?, what might work if we only....?, how can we capitalize on what is working while still changing or improving it?
By forcing ourselves to leave our box we cut ourselves off from the not-yet-understoods or not-thoroughly communicated or experienced existing knowledge within our existing box. Or as Sid Shore has tried to teach us for many years, Whats Good About It (our box)?
Out-of-the-box thinking would go beyond simply digging new holes it might involve looking in the air, under the sea or using other tools or methods beyond simply a shovel As Abraham Maslow has told us, If you see your only tool as a hammer (shovel), then you will see all your problems as nails (holes to be dug).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It was Wednesday noon @3 when my mom called me up all terrified and in apprehension asking me to cum straight home asap without uttering a word with anyone on my way to home. It was the first time my mom called me up this way. Many negative thoughts surrounded my mind. When asked the reason for her restlessness she told the horrendous news of the day before.
I live in a semi urban district of Haryana called Palwal. And commute to Delhi for education by train. I often get late while leaving college and reaching home. The local trains considered to be “safest” have two ladies coach like the one in metros. The trains as crosses the NCR becomes a troubling place to stay in the coach for next half hour. The eve teasing crossed its limits that day. The news with which she came across was the one shocking the whole district.
The last day a gal of 20s opposed the eve teasing done to her in the train the discussion turned to fight and the three boys persecuted with a knife in front of her caught her and tried to strip off her jeans. As the others objected and tried to catch them, the three of them escaped from the running train.
Genuine was the reason of mom being worried about me coz she know I am from the ones who instantly oppose such kind of acts and is ready to fight for such issues whether they are being done to me or other.
What sin did that girl has done for what she was punished this way? Is it juz dat she fought for the nasty words said to her. She don’t has the right to fight for whtever is being done to her by those inhuman, uncivilized, illiterate animals of society who do not consider girls to be humans or do not provide thm with the right of speaking, expressing or opposing the wrong which is human right.
Elders ask us to keep shut in such situations coz they are worried for us or rather afraid of few such animals roaming around on two feet calling themselves as males. They can say and speak whatever, wherever, whenever, whomever they feel like n make a fun of it. But what a girl goes through after that is what they can never understand. The girl with whom this happened
Attempted suicide and ended the pain in herself and this has been the result to many such incidents. What happens to those boys? Nothing at all. They live freely unashamed to bite someone else and end their lives. There is no solution to this problem this has been there since a long time and is continuing to increase. Being quiet or ignoring such things is never going to provide a solution to it. We must be strong and intrepid enough to fight against it. Lets not face any of such act again and give those monsters a slap to their brutality.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I can't give solutions to all of life's problems,doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you, and together we can seek answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and
pain, nor the future with it's untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not
fall. Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happinesses are
not mine.Yet I can share in your laughter and joy.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to
judge.I can only support you, encourage you, and help you
when you ask.I can't give you boundaries which I have determined
for you,But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Land at the right place!!! We work hard right from nursery class, everyone expect us to be the topper. They make us study throughout day and night to score more and be the super duper intelligent so called genius kid of the proud parents. They want us to be the best. They provide us the best of possible education and want us to top the board exams, clear all entrance exams, and get admission in the best college in town. But what if you land up at a wrong place, a wrong institute or a wrong college that promises you and lets you dream of a bright future and land you in a pit. Not everyone can teach, so choose wisely and get complete information of the place where your future will be planned. Hindustan times comes up with a supplement of education times that allows you choose the best and leave the rest taki apke future ka fatoore na bane… Handful knowledge of the institutes, the dates when the application forms are out and from where one can get them is easily available at one place at your doorsteps. These information are authentic, well researched and trustworthy so that one can easily select the place where they want to start.


"If you work just for money, you'll never make it, but if you love what you're doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours." Ray Kroc

You do not have to make the most money to be considered a success. When it comes to happiness, money is not the most important thing. First, love what you are doing and take full pleasure in committing yourself entirely to your work and the needs of your customers. This positive outlook will determine your new found success.

Well said in 3 idiots" Life is a race, Bhago" All our lives we keep running behind money, success, love and power. ray Kroc gives the essence of this race and ends it up wid a dot at the end of his statement in just 25 words.

What motivates you, inspires you, drives you to succeed?

The powerful words of inspiring people can influence your driving force to accomplish anything. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. Live your life to the fullest and take pleasure along the way... always strive for success, take chances and live your dreams.

What goes away, comes back: Ye duniya badi gol hai!!!

We take birth in hospitals grow up with all the love and care of family and friends. We are to live the life to fullest and live every moment of our lives. Parents provide us with everything possible they can. Our desires never end and what ultimately we end up doing. We end up dying for what we desire or want to achieve. When we are child we were dying to grow up fast to shift from school to college. When we are in college we are dying for getting a good job and earn a good salary to get the power to buy what we desire. When we are doing jobs we are dying to get married and get settled. When we are married we are dying to have children to make a complete family and experience the delight of being called as parents. When we have children, we are dying to see them getting big, successful and getting married and having children. And at the end of the day we are dying in a hospital where we started, now we are actually dying but when we look back at time we realized that we spent our lives dying for what we don’t have but not living for what we have. Its right to have ambitions in life, have the desire to chieve something but loosing oneself, the essence of life and importance of living a happy and joyful life, is not correct.Someone truly said” Har pal yhan jeebhar jiyo jane yhan kal ho na ho….”

Sunday, April 3, 2011


When you says ”I knew this is gonna happen”, “I had dis gut feeling”, “Thr was somethg inside me sayin this is gonna happen” all these inner voices are termed under one big umbrella of intuition. . It is the voice of your soul that develops with ur upbringing and knowledge. . If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. Everyone has this very amazing power but everyone doesn’t have awareness about it. One doesn’t need to learn it its there within you. You must take a step t realize the immense power there deep in you. It is the voice of your soul that develops with ur upbringing and knowledge.

Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. It is something with in you, your inner voice, the voice of your soul, which enriches with your experience and knowledge day by day. After loading up your mind with information about the issue, give your intuition time to work on it. And then become open to the answer. You will likely experience an "Aha" moment, which is a moment of instant awareness, where the answer sprouts from "out of the blue."

If you have an important decision to make and are not 100% sure about something happening, stop and think before making a decision. Usually this is your intuition trying to tell you that something is not quite right. Likewise, if you feel that you should go for it, do it, so you don't miss a valuable opportunity.

Intuition is your very own best friend. It is always there for you. It waits patiently for you. It gives the absolute best advice, and all you have to do is ask! Like any good friendship, all it takes to nurture it is a little time and attention. If you decide to be close and intimate with your intuition, I promise that your life will transform into something wonderful.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The virgin mobile ad that has an amazing concept of thinking differently...
the hatke concepts they have executed in their series of advertisements. all the advertisements have a humor attached to encouragement of purchasing the product. it provides the best of call rates "without any pack" to be specific which they emphasised in the ad. the ad proves to be the best amoung all where the guy unintentionally falls into an embarrasin situation @ changing room. now he as to make his girlfrnd understand the situation for which he needs a lot of credit in his cell phone.
virgin mobiles come to rescue of the guy and helps him talk his girlfrnd and convence her about his situation.
so buy virgin and talk for hours without worrying about the credits in ur phn whether local or international.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The answer is within you...

Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means "in to you" in Latin. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. Everyone has this very amazing power but everyone don't have awareness about it. One doesnot need to learn it its there within you. You must take a step t realize the emmense power there deep in you. It is the voice of your soul that develops with ur upbringing and knowledge. When you says”I knew this is gonna happen”, “I had dis gut feeling”, “Thr was somethg inside me sayin this is gonna happen” all these inner voices are termed under one big umbrella of intuition. Intuitive messages range from an inkling to a strong sign or message. Your inner self is persistent and consistent. It will keep trying to get your attention until you finally wise up! Therefore, you can rely on it. An intuitive message ranges from hearing actual words, seeing a clear picture, or a deep inner knowing. Some people experience intuition as a feeling, others a gut reaction, others will see images or have a dream, others hear an actual message. Become familiar with how your inner self communicates with you.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Its a girl!!! KILL HER>>>

Female foeticide is one of the worst case scenarios which women expect in this country. Ironically some of the worst gender ratios, indicating gross violation of women’s rights, are found in South and East Asian countries such as India and China. The determination of the sex of the foetus by ultrasound scanning, amniocentesis, and in vitro fertilization has aggravated this situation. Although no moral or ethical principle supports such a procedure for gender identification. The situation is further worsened by lack of awareness of women’s rights and by the indifferent attitude of governments and medical professionals. In India, the available legislation for prevention of sex determination needs strict implementation, alongside the launching of programmes aimed at altering attitudes, including those prevalent in the medical profession.The private foetal sex determination clinics were first established in the states of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. The practice of selective abortion became popular from the late 1970s. Surprisingly, the trend is far stronger in urban rather than rural areas, and among literate rather than illiterate women, exploding the myth that growing affluence and spread of basic education alone will result in the erosion of gender bias. The need for a dowry for girl children, and the ability to demand a dowry for boys exerts considerable economic pressure on families to use any means to avoid having girls, who are seen as a liability.

It is now or never otherwise it will be too late for us, to erode the deep-seated attitudes and practices against women and girls in our country.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grandparents provide us with unconditional love that is unencumbered by having to adhere to parental rules. Developing this grandparent-grandchild bond can be a challenge in today’s transient society. It’s no longer common to find several generations of a family living within shouting distance. These days, grandparents may not even be within driving distance of their grandchildren, thus ruling out regular face-to-face bonding time. Also, many grandparents still work and don’t have an excess of free time. Sharing photos of grandchildren by “snail mail” is still a popular – though less high-tech – way to help grandparents keep track of children’s development. Some parents prefer to scan the photos and send them attached to e-mails who live at long distances. Videos are another popular way to give far-away grandparents a peek into the daily lives of their grandchildren. And, phone calls and drawings and crafts made by the children also are appreciated by most grandparents. but i personally feel grandparents made us and our parents a part of thier family and cant we all make them a part of our lives. it is fact that grandparents or elders in a home are the pillars of a family no matter how old and weak they are they still hold the family on their shoulders. They provide us with emmense love, cant we all team up to give them some time n love that ofcourse they deserve the most. its bcoz of thm that we stand and survive , cant v help them in their time when they need us. its time to return them what they have done for us all not as a return of debt but as a selfish need of getting more of what they have been shedding always on their children thats love, the deep ,unconditional and unbaised love of GRANDPARENTS.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A cough can change your name ;-)

Do you like your name? Or do you often complaint with your parents for the old fashioned or odd name they have given to you?
Well you must then thank your parents that your name is not a peculiar sound like “echew”(sneeze sound) or “uhu-uhu” (cough sounds). Name is an asset for life, your identity, your esteem. A weird name may make you suffer throughout the life. The commercial presented a saint suggesting a child’s name and suddenly he coughs “uhu-uhu” to the child’s adversity he is named as “uhu-uhu”.
The calamity starts with his birth or with this weird name rather. Poor child has to become an issue of laugh among all from school to marriage.
Imagining such a thing in real life is far beyond. Still the ad keeps us implicated with the humor.

The Glycodin’s commercial has made spectators believe its importance. The commercial illustrate that a cough can even change your name and can make you fall into thwarting situations which last long for lifetime …
The commercial takes you onto a roller-coaster ride and clutch the attention of the audience throughout. The humor quotient is amazing as it breaks through the clutter.
The creative mind behind the ad has made the audience laugh and at same time provided the message that Glycodin-cough syrup is effective enough to provide instant relief from cough.
The anxiety of the ad is even more hilarious when “uhu-uhu” pours a bottle of glycodin in the saint’s mouth and his son is named as “Glycodin”
Its better to keep a bottle of glycodin before getting your child’s named suggested with a old saint or your child might also fall in same situation. And pray your child is not named uhu uhu or glycodin.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Land at the right place!!!

We work hard right from nursery class, everyone expect us to be the topper. They make us study throughout day and night to score more and be the super duper intelligent so called genius kid of the proud parents. They want us to be the best. They provide us the best of possible education and want us to top the board exams, clear all entrance exams, and get admission in the best college in town. But what if you land up at a wrong place, a wrong institute or a wrong college that promises you and lets you dream of a bright future and land you in a pit. Not everyone can teach, so choose wisely and get complete information of the place where your future will be planned. Hindustan times comes up with a supplement of education times that allows you choose the best and leave the rest taki apke future ka fatoore na bane… Handful knowledge of the institutes, the dates when the application forms are out and from where one can get them is easily available at one place at your doorsteps. These information are authentic, well researched and trustworthy so that one can easily select the place where they want to start.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chalo bulava aya hai, isi ne search dabaya hai!!! ;-)

There was a time when you had to search for a computer with internet or an internet cafĂ© to search for anything. Today search has got mobility. Today we have it in our cellphones have the power to search wherever and whenever we want. Updating status on facebook or tweeing was never that easy as it is now. All we are required is a mobile phone with GPRS connection. It is the boon of IT and telecommunication that has made the life simple and search even more. Search for anything and information is on your hand on just a click. The decreasing hardware costs and cheaper internet connections in the race of competition, to prove themselves better and show that they are “happy to serve you” With the help of GPRS we can rundown any search at any point of time. A thing far away can be on your “fingertips” in few seconds. The HUTCH came up with a creative advertisement that expressed the same message. The ad showed how that how easy can be a mobile search. One can search for anything around the globe on mobile by just installing its GPRS facility. This technology is for people who require internet on the go. It saves time and makes it hassle-free. Also the laziness to sit in front of those big screens and switch them on diminishes. The search has been made so simple and convenient to operate internet while sitting in a bus or lying on your couch or under your blanket.

Who says there is no second chance?

A brilliant ad and concepts shows how a mind interpreates a word, the way I percieve might be different from what you do. The advertisement plays with playing with words which is the basic and foremost strategy of advertisement owrld and it always end up doing miracles. Agreeing the fact that change is better, but change that leads you to embarassements are not good for health... CHANGE the workd that generated miracles in the advertisement have made the audience laugh. one cannot get the idea till the end what happens till the suspense is declared. the sound used in the advertisemtn especially the sound of the coins on the table give a lead to the flow. Also the expression of each and every person sitting on the table well cordinates with the expressions of the person using the board. The Camlin Whiteboard marker erase somthings.... Yes just somethings. It cannot erase embarrasments. So you better be aware before writing anything on that white board....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kuch rang takdeer badal skte hai

The Camlin’s permanent marker’s advertisement has been the most humorous and creative advertisements of its times. I personally liked the concept where the power of marker is presented in the most beautiful way to reach the remote audience of India where you can’t think of getting the basic requirements of life. Camelin develops the conviction of reaching to those roots of the small villages of Rajasthan in India. The concept is yet as beautiful as its execution. The idea of including “Rudali” which are a part of traditional Indian rituals who cry aloud at the time of death made the audience emotional and touched their hearts to keep them involved and attached to the ad. It made the audience feel the way they want to. Camelin’s marker make people believe about its strength and impact. How permanent and strong it is to bring changes in your life, the changes that are good and for your benefit. It is that stong and effective that it wont let you loose anything wether it is data or the person himself, as circumstanced in the ad. The ad has created a great impact and has left people laughing and embedded with its effect. the proverb can be good to fit in the situation "Jako rake camelin, mar sake na koi". its funny and true.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nostalgia: the past revives

Nostalgia, a feeling that can make anyone sink in the sea of memories of past. No one can resist of this feeling, one day or the other everyone experiences the bliss of being nostalgic. The overnight conference on internet chat rooms, the old photographs, the reunions or may be a song. The stimulation of such memories make you mislaid in a different world. Then you just want to lay back and relive those moments or share with proud. The moments that made you cry makes you laugh and those which made you laugh can make you burst into tears. These small moments of life are some that are asset in one’s life, the ones to be preserved. Human nature makes him yearn for past. We always cling to the memories of past. Regardless where we live, the nostalgia is nothing more than trying to hold on to the past. The past is not easy to let go, even though we all talk about moving on. The age and time turns one mature and lack emotions that we hide labeling ourselves as particle.

The seed we buried in the childhood is now a big tree. The tree around which we played with the siblings is now old and dry. The old friends are now busy with their own priorities, things have changed, people have changed or rather the world has changed. Things are not same anymore the street food that we used to carve for has suddenly turned unhygienic. The careless school and college days, the aimless wandering is no more there.

Time changes everything and everyone. There is no cure for nostalgia. Everybody moves on and this is the brutal reality of life. It is normal to be nostalgic; it is very natural to put the past on a pedestal. Going back to those days is reviving but at same time makes us realize how life takes a drastic change. Change in the world around and within ourselves.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Smarter we get with generations

Surprising was to see my 3 year old nephew operating his father's laptop like a professional. He works through the latest gizmos of his generation, has the ability to operate the hi-tech latest mobile phones.
The level of intelligence increases with every generation and this has been scientifically proved. People are getting smarter with improvement in their IQ (Intelligence Quotient) levels. The reason is the wide spread of education and availability of on hand technology. We live in a knowledge society and in an information age. It requires brushing our brains for all kind of jobs which include analytic and reasoning powers.
The combination of exposure, globalization and nutrition leads to better performance of an individual. Some other factors include rise of nuclear families, increase in number of university graduates, growing technology, greater competitions among peers and greater interest shown by parents in a child’s intellectual development.
The other side of the truth is that parents are being too extracting and punishing. Over-exposure to technology has a detrimental impact on the ability to understand or the ability to endure in difficult situations.
IQ is considered to be the genetic factor. The one with a higher IQ is considered to be clever. This factor has been affecting the EQ (Emotional Quotient) in a search for a better person. However, according to experts that is not fact but a mere belief. It’s not only about IQ but whether people are able to sustain relationships at home and the workplace.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Is being a part of youth generation a curse?

We proudly tag ourselves being a part of 21st century's youth. We study in co-educational system of education, make friends, work as colleagues irrespective of their gender, age, caste or color. But that is just the case in metropolitan cities. The semi-urban and rural areas still doesn't support the modernization. They still think co-educational system is corrupting the atmosphere and the youth.

While traveling through a local train to Delhi, I came across this truth a day before. This is not the first time I heard this. It has been scorching my soul from a long time. Trying to achieve the overall development for the country it has been unfortunate to hear this from the citizens of the country that cellphones are spoiling the youth. However, they are right but partially. Adopting a technology for its best part is essential for the development. But ignoring it just because few people are misusing it and blaming the whole generation on their part.

Even after trying so hard to keep myself busy in the novel I was reading, I could not resist listening to the two ladies who were sitting by my side and other in my front, all in fiftieth of their age. As per my knowledge they didn't even know each other and somehow entered into the discussion of the spoiling generation. I started feeling that somehow its true you cannot keep two ladies quiet for too long.

Their discussion started with child marriage and ended with the spoiled generation, eloping from their homes, getting into relationships, love marriages or inter-caste to be specific.

According to them one should not get education more than fifth standard, should not use technologies, or rather cellphones. And this case was just not for gals this goes for boys as well as per they quoted.

Slowly their discussion shifted towards girls and their modern thinking. They had a problem with everything they do, they demand, they wear, they talk, they look. Being a girl sitting in that discussion I was feeling awkward specially when after every statement passed by them their eyes shifted to me, scanning me from head to toe. It was my responsibility to answer them on behalf of the folks they were blaming for no reason irrespective of the fact that all fingers in a hand are not of same size.

But their was no use of talking to them instead getting insulted. They would never understand our point of view. Debating with them no matter how polite I try to be would seem to them as if I am trying to insult them. Aware of the fact, I did what I should have done, doing justice to my generation, to the education I am getting and to the country I owe. The result was as expected.

But i feel content that I atleast presented my view though I know I was unsuccessful in convincing them. No one could have. But it forced me to think no matter how much we progress and get familiar with the NEW MEDIA we still have a lot to do, a bigger way to travel.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scam on the spectrum

Its unfortunate but fact to live in a country like ours where you know that you are surviving with a world full of corruption. You know it but you cant help it. Everyday we have a new scam in the wordful newspaper. What we all can do is feel pity for the country and freedom stugglers.
The elite group ruling the nation, the periphere of the country whome we vote and trust are selling the country and digging a pit of losses for it.
Our honourable telecomm minister A. Raja sold the spectrum to those telecom operators who are lobbyied by personalities like Neera Radia. Lobbying for those buissness groups who are developed themselves and putting a backforth in the country's path to development.