Friday, February 11, 2011

Nostalgia: the past revives

Nostalgia, a feeling that can make anyone sink in the sea of memories of past. No one can resist of this feeling, one day or the other everyone experiences the bliss of being nostalgic. The overnight conference on internet chat rooms, the old photographs, the reunions or may be a song. The stimulation of such memories make you mislaid in a different world. Then you just want to lay back and relive those moments or share with proud. The moments that made you cry makes you laugh and those which made you laugh can make you burst into tears. These small moments of life are some that are asset in one’s life, the ones to be preserved. Human nature makes him yearn for past. We always cling to the memories of past. Regardless where we live, the nostalgia is nothing more than trying to hold on to the past. The past is not easy to let go, even though we all talk about moving on. The age and time turns one mature and lack emotions that we hide labeling ourselves as particle.

The seed we buried in the childhood is now a big tree. The tree around which we played with the siblings is now old and dry. The old friends are now busy with their own priorities, things have changed, people have changed or rather the world has changed. Things are not same anymore the street food that we used to carve for has suddenly turned unhygienic. The careless school and college days, the aimless wandering is no more there.

Time changes everything and everyone. There is no cure for nostalgia. Everybody moves on and this is the brutal reality of life. It is normal to be nostalgic; it is very natural to put the past on a pedestal. Going back to those days is reviving but at same time makes us realize how life takes a drastic change. Change in the world around and within ourselves.

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