Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A cough can change your name ;-)

Do you like your name? Or do you often complaint with your parents for the old fashioned or odd name they have given to you?
Well you must then thank your parents that your name is not a peculiar sound like “echew”(sneeze sound) or “uhu-uhu” (cough sounds). Name is an asset for life, your identity, your esteem. A weird name may make you suffer throughout the life. The commercial presented a saint suggesting a child’s name and suddenly he coughs “uhu-uhu” to the child’s adversity he is named as “uhu-uhu”.
The calamity starts with his birth or with this weird name rather. Poor child has to become an issue of laugh among all from school to marriage.
Imagining such a thing in real life is far beyond. Still the ad keeps us implicated with the humor.

The Glycodin’s commercial has made spectators believe its importance. The commercial illustrate that a cough can even change your name and can make you fall into thwarting situations which last long for lifetime …
The commercial takes you onto a roller-coaster ride and clutch the attention of the audience throughout. The humor quotient is amazing as it breaks through the clutter.
The creative mind behind the ad has made the audience laugh and at same time provided the message that Glycodin-cough syrup is effective enough to provide instant relief from cough.
The anxiety of the ad is even more hilarious when “uhu-uhu” pours a bottle of glycodin in the saint’s mouth and his son is named as “Glycodin”
Its better to keep a bottle of glycodin before getting your child’s named suggested with a old saint or your child might also fall in same situation. And pray your child is not named uhu uhu or glycodin.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Land at the right place!!!

We work hard right from nursery class, everyone expect us to be the topper. They make us study throughout day and night to score more and be the super duper intelligent so called genius kid of the proud parents. They want us to be the best. They provide us the best of possible education and want us to top the board exams, clear all entrance exams, and get admission in the best college in town. But what if you land up at a wrong place, a wrong institute or a wrong college that promises you and lets you dream of a bright future and land you in a pit. Not everyone can teach, so choose wisely and get complete information of the place where your future will be planned. Hindustan times comes up with a supplement of education times that allows you choose the best and leave the rest taki apke future ka fatoore na bane… Handful knowledge of the institutes, the dates when the application forms are out and from where one can get them is easily available at one place at your doorsteps. These information are authentic, well researched and trustworthy so that one can easily select the place where they want to start.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chalo bulava aya hai, isi ne search dabaya hai!!! ;-)

There was a time when you had to search for a computer with internet or an internet cafĂ© to search for anything. Today search has got mobility. Today we have it in our cellphones have the power to search wherever and whenever we want. Updating status on facebook or tweeing was never that easy as it is now. All we are required is a mobile phone with GPRS connection. It is the boon of IT and telecommunication that has made the life simple and search even more. Search for anything and information is on your hand on just a click. The decreasing hardware costs and cheaper internet connections in the race of competition, to prove themselves better and show that they are “happy to serve you” With the help of GPRS we can rundown any search at any point of time. A thing far away can be on your “fingertips” in few seconds. The HUTCH came up with a creative advertisement that expressed the same message. The ad showed how that how easy can be a mobile search. One can search for anything around the globe on mobile by just installing its GPRS facility. This technology is for people who require internet on the go. It saves time and makes it hassle-free. Also the laziness to sit in front of those big screens and switch them on diminishes. The search has been made so simple and convenient to operate internet while sitting in a bus or lying on your couch or under your blanket.

Who says there is no second chance?

A brilliant ad and concepts shows how a mind interpreates a word, the way I percieve might be different from what you do. The advertisement plays with playing with words which is the basic and foremost strategy of advertisement owrld and it always end up doing miracles. Agreeing the fact that change is better, but change that leads you to embarassements are not good for health... CHANGE the workd that generated miracles in the advertisement have made the audience laugh. one cannot get the idea till the end what happens till the suspense is declared. the sound used in the advertisemtn especially the sound of the coins on the table give a lead to the flow. Also the expression of each and every person sitting on the table well cordinates with the expressions of the person using the board. The Camlin Whiteboard marker erase somthings.... Yes just somethings. It cannot erase embarrasments. So you better be aware before writing anything on that white board....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kuch rang takdeer badal skte hai

The Camlin’s permanent marker’s advertisement has been the most humorous and creative advertisements of its times. I personally liked the concept where the power of marker is presented in the most beautiful way to reach the remote audience of India where you can’t think of getting the basic requirements of life. Camelin develops the conviction of reaching to those roots of the small villages of Rajasthan in India. The concept is yet as beautiful as its execution. The idea of including “Rudali” which are a part of traditional Indian rituals who cry aloud at the time of death made the audience emotional and touched their hearts to keep them involved and attached to the ad. It made the audience feel the way they want to. Camelin’s marker make people believe about its strength and impact. How permanent and strong it is to bring changes in your life, the changes that are good and for your benefit. It is that stong and effective that it wont let you loose anything wether it is data or the person himself, as circumstanced in the ad. The ad has created a great impact and has left people laughing and embedded with its effect. the proverb can be good to fit in the situation "Jako rake camelin, mar sake na koi". its funny and true.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nostalgia: the past revives

Nostalgia, a feeling that can make anyone sink in the sea of memories of past. No one can resist of this feeling, one day or the other everyone experiences the bliss of being nostalgic. The overnight conference on internet chat rooms, the old photographs, the reunions or may be a song. The stimulation of such memories make you mislaid in a different world. Then you just want to lay back and relive those moments or share with proud. The moments that made you cry makes you laugh and those which made you laugh can make you burst into tears. These small moments of life are some that are asset in one’s life, the ones to be preserved. Human nature makes him yearn for past. We always cling to the memories of past. Regardless where we live, the nostalgia is nothing more than trying to hold on to the past. The past is not easy to let go, even though we all talk about moving on. The age and time turns one mature and lack emotions that we hide labeling ourselves as particle.

The seed we buried in the childhood is now a big tree. The tree around which we played with the siblings is now old and dry. The old friends are now busy with their own priorities, things have changed, people have changed or rather the world has changed. Things are not same anymore the street food that we used to carve for has suddenly turned unhygienic. The careless school and college days, the aimless wandering is no more there.

Time changes everything and everyone. There is no cure for nostalgia. Everybody moves on and this is the brutal reality of life. It is normal to be nostalgic; it is very natural to put the past on a pedestal. Going back to those days is reviving but at same time makes us realize how life takes a drastic change. Change in the world around and within ourselves.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Smarter we get with generations

Surprising was to see my 3 year old nephew operating his father's laptop like a professional. He works through the latest gizmos of his generation, has the ability to operate the hi-tech latest mobile phones.
The level of intelligence increases with every generation and this has been scientifically proved. People are getting smarter with improvement in their IQ (Intelligence Quotient) levels. The reason is the wide spread of education and availability of on hand technology. We live in a knowledge society and in an information age. It requires brushing our brains for all kind of jobs which include analytic and reasoning powers.
The combination of exposure, globalization and nutrition leads to better performance of an individual. Some other factors include rise of nuclear families, increase in number of university graduates, growing technology, greater competitions among peers and greater interest shown by parents in a child’s intellectual development.
The other side of the truth is that parents are being too extracting and punishing. Over-exposure to technology has a detrimental impact on the ability to understand or the ability to endure in difficult situations.
IQ is considered to be the genetic factor. The one with a higher IQ is considered to be clever. This factor has been affecting the EQ (Emotional Quotient) in a search for a better person. However, according to experts that is not fact but a mere belief. It’s not only about IQ but whether people are able to sustain relationships at home and the workplace.